If you have ever considered Live Video Streaming technology for depositions, meetings, hearings or even court proceedings then now is the time to move forward.
Does your law partner, clerk or partnering firm want to view a live deposition without traveling? BMM offers Live Streaming Video Depositions, a one-way view only deposition streamed directly to our password protected web page. With a professional audio and video feed you can now attend online and view the real-time deposition including exhibits, audio and video file presentations on a computer or mobile device from the privacy of your office. Our firm handles the setup and connection details including web page setup and password protection. Each remote participant copies and pastes the provided link into a browser to start the secure, password protected deposition.
Boggs Reporting & Video provides local and remote live streaming services. By utilizing our large conference rooms, live video streaming of your deposition is now possible using our broadband high speed internet. An unlimited number of remote participants can view the deposition. If the deposition is held directly in a law firm conference room, no problem. Boggs Reporting and Video will travel to your conference room and live stream the deposition to unlimited remote participants.
Witness in a remote area of the state? Here’s how we can help. Boggs Reporting and Video will travel to witness location anywhere in Alabama, and live stream the deposition to unlimited remote participants.
The video and audio quality of Live Streaming technology has tremendously improved over the last several years. If you are interested in a Live Streaming Deposition or Proceeding and have questions or you would like to schedule a private demonstration then please contact our office and we will be happy to assist.